Form1.Top = 0
Form1.Left = 0
Form1.Width = 10 * Screen.Width / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
Form1.Height = 10 * Screen.Height / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
Picture1.ScaleHeight = -Picture1.ScaleHeight
Picture1.ScaleTop = -Picture1.ScaleHeight * 1 / 2
Picture1.ScaleLeft = -Picture1.ScaleWidth * 1 / 2
Dim ImgAxisStartX As Double
Dim ImgAxisStartY As Double
Dim ImgAxisEndX As Double
Dim ImgAxisEndY As Double
Dim GetValue() As String
Dim M1 As Double
Dim Degree1 As Double
Dim Quadrant1 As String
'檢查 起點影像座標X 與 起點影像座標Y 的值 是否為整數
'使用的是CheckTextIsNumEricAndInteger Function來判斷
If CheckTextIsNumEricAndInteger(Text_StartX, Text_StartX.Text, "起點影像座標X") = True Then
ImgAxisStartX = Format(Text_StartX.Text)
Exit Sub
End If
If CheckTextIsNumEricAndInteger(Text_StartY, Text_StartY.Text, "起點影像座標Y") = True Then
ImgAxisStartY = Format(Text_StartY.Text)
Exit Sub
End If
'檢查 終點影像座標X 與 終點影像座標Y 的值 是否為整數
'使用的是CheckTextIsNumEricAndInteger Function來判斷
If CheckTextIsNumEricAndInteger(Text_EndX, Text_EndX.Text, "終點影像座標X") = True Then
ImgAxisEndX = Format(Text_EndX.Text)
Exit Sub
End If
If CheckTextIsNumEricAndInteger(Text_EndY, Text_EndY.Text, "終點影像座標Y") = True Then
ImgAxisEndY = Format(Text_EndY.Text)
Exit Sub
End If
'此時 Label_StartX.Caption...等,就是轉換後的座標
GetValue = ImgAxisTransformStandardAxis(Picture1, ImgAxisStartX, ImgAxisStartY)
Label_StartX.Caption = GetValue(0)
Label_StartY.Caption = GetValue(1)
GetValue = ImgAxisTransformStandardAxis(Picture1, ImgAxisEndX, ImgAxisEndY)
Label_EndX.Caption = GetValue(0)
Label_EndY.Caption = GetValue(1)
GetValue = MountainAndAbsoluteDegreeCaculate(Val(Label_StartX.Caption), Val(Label_StartY.Caption), Val(Label_EndX.Caption), Val(Label_EndY.Caption))
M1 = Val(GetValue(0))
Degree1 = Val(GetValue(1))
Quadrant1 = GetValue(2)
Label_M1.Caption = Format(M1, "0.0000")
Label_D1.Caption = Format(Degree1, "0.0000")
Label_Q1.Caption = Format(Quadrant1, "0.0000")
Picture1.Picture = Nothing
Picture1.DrawWidth = 1
Picture1.Line (-Picture1.Width, 0)-(Picture1.Width, 0), vbGreen
Picture1.Line (0, -Picture1.Height)-(0, Picture1.Height), vbGreen
Picture1.DrawWidth = 1
Picture1.Circle (Val(Label_StartX.Caption), Val(Label_StartY.Caption)), ((ImgAxisStartX - ImgAxisEndX) ^ 2 + (ImgAxisStartY - ImgAxisEndY) ^ 2) ^ 0.5, vbRed
Picture1.Line (Val(Label_StartX.Caption), Val(Label_StartY.Caption))-(Val(Label_EndX.Caption), Val(Label_EndY.Caption)), vbBlue
Picture1.DrawWidth = 3
Picture1.PSet (Val(Label_StartX.Caption), Val(Label_StartY.Caption)), vbRed
Picture1.PSet (Val(Label_EndX.Caption), Val(Label_EndY.Caption)), vbBlue
Function CheckTextIsNumEricAndInteger(TString As TextBox, WordString As String, DataTitle As String) As Boolean
'用法範例: (TextBox物件名稱,要檢查的字串,字串的Title)--->(Text1,Text1.Text,"影像座標X")
If TString.Text = "" Then
MsgBox (DataTitle + ",沒有數值")
If IsNumeric(TString.Text) = True Then
If Int(WordString) = Format(WordString, "0.0000") Then
CheckTextIsNumEricAndInteger = True
MsgBox (DataTitle + ",非整數")
End If
MsgBox (DataTitle + ",非數字")
End If
End If
End Function
'用法範例: (TextBox物件名稱,要檢查的字串,字串的Title)--->(Text1,Text1.Text,"影像座標X")
Function MountainAndAbsoluteDegreeCaculate(StartX As Double, StartY As Double, EndX As Double, EndY As Double) As String()
'用法範例: (起點X座標,起點Y座標,終點X座標,終點Y座標)
Dim SendValue(2) As String
Dim SX As Double
Dim SY As Double
Dim EX As Double
Dim EY As Double
Dim M_PI As Double
M_PI = Atn(1) * 4
SX = StartX
SY = StartY
EX = EndX
EY = EndY
If (SX <> EX) And SY <> EY Then
SendValue(0) = Format((SY - EY) / (SX - EX), "0.0000")
End If
If (SX = EX) And (SY = EY) Then
SendValue(0) = O
End If
'起點與終點之X值相同 Y值不同
If (SX = EX) Then
If (SY > EY) Then
SendValue(0) = -999999
SendValue(0) = 999999
End If
End If
'起點與終點之Y值相同 X值不同
If (SY = EY) Then
SendValue(0) = 0
End If
If EX = SX And EY = SY Then
SendValue(1) = 0
SendValue(2) = "起點終點同一點"
MountainAndAbsoluteDegreeCaculate = SendValue
Exit Function
End If
If EX > SX And EY > SY Then
SendValue(1) = Atn(Val(SendValue(0))) * 180 / M_PI
SendValue(2) = "第ㄧ象限"
MountainAndAbsoluteDegreeCaculate = SendValue
Exit Function
End If
If EX < SX And EY > SY Then
SendValue(1) = 180 + Atn(Val(SendValue(0))) * 180 / M_PI
SendValue(2) = "第二象限"
MountainAndAbsoluteDegreeCaculate = SendValue
Exit Function
End If
If EX < SX And EY < SY Then
SendValue(1) = 180 + Atn(Val(SendValue(0))) * 180 / M_PI
SendValue(2) = "第三象限"
MountainAndAbsoluteDegreeCaculate = SendValue
Exit Function
End If
If EX > SX And EY < SY Then
SendValue(1) = 360 + Atn(Val(SendValue(0))) * 180 / M_PI
SendValue(2) = "第四象限"
MountainAndAbsoluteDegreeCaculate = SendValue
Exit Function
End If
If EX = SX And EY > SY Then
SendValue(1) = 90
SendValue(2) = "垂直"
MountainAndAbsoluteDegreeCaculate = SendValue
Exit Function
End If
If EX = SX And EY < SY Then
SendValue(1) = 270
SendValue(2) = "垂直"
MountainAndAbsoluteDegreeCaculate = SendValue
Exit Function
End If
If EX > SX And EY = SY Then
SendValue(1) = 0
SendValue(2) = "垂直"
MountainAndAbsoluteDegreeCaculate = SendValue
Exit Function
End If
If EX < SX And EY = SY Then
SendValue(1) = 180
SendValue(2) = "垂直"
MountainAndAbsoluteDegreeCaculate = SendValue
Exit Function
End If
End Function